Huntsville High School Athletics

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Huntsville ISD and the Athletic department are Hornet Proud.  Seeing our community, families, and fans coming out to support our sporting events is great.  The staff and athletes work hard and compete hard.   We are dedicated to promoting good sportsmanship. We want you to enjoy a safe and healthy environment.  Here are a few guidelines to make your experience enjoyable.   Below is the list of permitted and non-permitted items at all our sports locations in the district.

 Items Permitted:

  • Binoculars
  • Blankets, coats, jackets
  • Cameras, video cameras
  • Cowbells, handheld signs
  • Seat cushions, stadium seats 
  • Umbrellas

Items not permitted 

  • Gum, sunflower seeds, candy, colored drinks, and similar products on the field or track.
  • All tobacco products and smoking are prohibited inside and outside the field/stadium/gym bleachers, including electronic cigarettes.
  • Outside food and drink in the stand, field, or gyms on game day.
  • No vehicles or heavy loads on the field/track.
  • All equipment such as training tables, fans, tents, chairs, ladders etc. must have a protective base or they will not be allowed.
  • No frisbee, beach ball, or other objects in the stands.  No Bubbles, baby powder, glitter, or confetti.
  • No Air horns, train horns, cannons, artificial noisemakers, laser pointers, fireworks.
  • Individuals not directly connected to the team and are not in uniform must have a visible sideline pass or remain in the stands.
  • Spectators are not allowed on the field before, during or after a game.
    • Coaching families may join their coach after closing ceremonies

    • No horseplay in the stands, concession area, and/or near the field or gyms.
    • No student under 7th grade will be admitted to the Bowers Stadium, Hornet Field, or Huntsville ISD Gyms without a parent or guardian. These younger students must remain with their parents or guardians at all times.
    • There will be increased administrative supervision in the student section and on the concourse around the concession stand and restroom areas. Students found loitering on the concourse, running, horseplaying, cutting in line, etc. will be given one warning/correction before being required to leave the stadium for the remainder of the game and season.
    • If a student(s) of any age is required to leave, the student’s name will be placed on a list to ensure they are NOT allowed to attend home sports games for the remainder of the season. Parents/Guardians will be notified by their student’s home campus administration.

      Parking Map


    UIL Sportsmanship policy and guidelines will be followed at all times.

    Huntsville ISD student conduct policy and guidelines will be followed at all times.

    UIL Media/Photography Guidelines are followed at our sporting events